Ranger & Scout Grills

Industrial Design / UX/UI

Traeger approached us for assistance in expanding and differentiating their Town and Country Series product line with a focus on enhancing features, technology, and aesthetics, as well as finding production efficiencies.
Traeger Ranger Scout Product Shot
Traeger Range and Scout Grill Ribs and beer
We began the collaborative process with 2D ideation sketches based on Century 2.0, Silverton, and Timberline’s visual brand language. Using production-quality parametric 3D CAD data, we identified ways to simplify assembly and reduce material waste, improving the customer experience straight out of the box.
Additionally, for the Ranger grill, we helped Traeger bring a new-to-the-industry feature (the WiFi ARC controller with a “keep warm” function) to market through rapid wireframe prototyping, tackling both workflow integration and GUI.
Traeger Range and Scout Grill Hero